Facial Rejuvenation- the path to a happier and healthier self

Nowadays, there exist a lot of methods that are used worldwide as facial rejuvenation attempts. Some of these are effective but too expensive, or they are cheap but don’t give the results you would have hoped for.

If you are trying to rejuvenate your face, but save your nerves and your money, natural ways are the best way to go.

What does face aging really mean?

Natural facial rejuvenation involves a set of actions that need to be consistently applied after you step into the infamous ‘’middle age”. After a while, your face will appear younger and you will have to be persistent to maintain it that way. It is important to understand that face aging does not solely involve wrinkles. What’s more, focusing on the wrinkles can take you off the main path that you should worry about more. Aging means that the overall shape of the face changes.

For example, a youthful face is usually adorned with a chin in the form of the letter “V”. But, with the natural loss of facial firmness and constant influence of gravity, the skin tissue gradually goes downhill and eventually makes the chin begin to resemble the letter “U”. The skin loses moisture, elasticity, softness and shine. The dead cells accumulate on the surface, which suffocate the skin even more.

Face peeling

If your face is clear, it will be able to easier receive the necessary moisture and new cells will produce faster. This is why you should always consider removing dead cells that have accumulated on your skin. The benefits are doubled – the youthful glow and the aging process will slow down.

Clean the face

Make sure to always clean and wash your face properly. Use mild, natural cleansing methods such as rosewater or lavender tonic. You can do this in the morning, in the evening before bedtime, or even before applying makeup or facial creams. Hydration is extremely important to keep that face shinny and young!

Massage your face

Whenever you have time try to stimulate the muscles of the face by massaging it. The muscles will become firmer and face will look younger. With time, the facial tissues will enhance and be more resistant to the effects of gravity. Beware though – facial massage should not be aggressive. Try to it with your fingertips using circular movements.

Vitamin C

During the day, drink plenty of fluids and especially freshly squeezed lemonade. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process.

If you regularly apply the above mentioned methods for facial rejuvenation, you will be satisfied with the results. The overall treatment will definitely refresh the skin, tighten the face and encourage the natural regeneration of the skin. And if you want to find out more about facial rejuvenation, check out this great book more info: The Amazing Healing Power of Kitchari: Weight Loss, Detox and Rejuvenation.